Curriculum Vitae
Professional Bio
Paul F. Clark is a Professor of Labor and Employment Relations. His research interests include employment relations in the U.S. healthcare industry; union structure, government, and administration; union member commitment and participation; and new union member orientation and socialization. He is the author of four books, including Building More Effective Unions, first published by Cornell ILR Press in 2001, second edition 2009. His research has appeared in the leading scholarly journals in industrial and labor relations and applied psychology. Clark regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on employment relations. He holds a Master's degree from the Cornell ILR School and a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He has served as a visiting professor at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland, U.K.), the University of Strathclyde (Scotland, U.K.), the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia), Monash University (Australia), the University of Melbourne (Australia), Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), and the University of Arizona (U.S.).
Clark has also worked with unions in Pennsylvania and around the country on labor education programs and research projects for over 35 years. He regularly serves as a speaker/workshop instructor on a variety of topics, including building a stronger union culture, increasing union commitment through effective new member orientation programs, what we can learn from labor history, and why unions are still relevant for numerous unions including the United Steelworkers, the American Federation of Teachers, the Allied Pilots Association, AFSCME, the Vermont Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, and the New Jersey Health Professionals and Allied Employees, among others. And he has worked on research projects with the United Mine Workers, United Steelworkers, the National Association of Letter Carriers, AFSCME, and the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO.
Clark, Paul F. Building More Effective Unions, 2nd Edition. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell ILR Press, 2009. Available from or Cornell Press. For information on using the new 2nd edition in training programs or workshops and for multiple-copies discounts, click here.
Clark, Paul F., Howard Stanger, and Ann Frost (eds.). 2013. Collective Bargaining Under Duress: Case Studies of Major North American Industries. Ithaca, NY: Cornell ILR Press, 2013. Available from or Cornell Press.
Recent publications include
Clark, Paul F., Whitehead, P. S., Bamber, G., Gray, L. S., Cockfield, S., & Gilbert, K. 2020. “Does Modernising Trade Union Administrative Practices Promote or Hinder Union Revitalization. “ British Journal of Industrial Relations.
Morin, Alexandre J.S., Daniel G. Gallagher, John P. Meyer, David Litalien, and Paul F. Clark. 2019. "Investigating the Dimensionality and Stability of Union Commitment Profiles Over a 10-Year Period: A Latent Transition Analysis," ILR Review, October,
Whitehead, Paul, Paul F. Clark, Lois S. Gray. 2017. “Adapting Union Administrative Practices to New Realities: Results of a Twenty-Year Longitudinal Study,” Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol. 24.
Clark, Paul F. 2017. “Reflections on the History and Theory of Trade Unionism.” Chapter in Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Jimmy Donaghey and Alex Colvin (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations. New York: Routledge.
Clark, Paul F. “Nurses Union Strategies for Improving the Quality of Patient Care.” 2016.
Chapter in Ariel Avgar and Timothy Vogus, (eds.), The Evolving Healthcare Landscape: How Employees, Organizations, and Institutions Are Adapting and Innovating. Ithaca, NY: Cornell ILR Press.
Clark, Paul F., Lois S. Gray, and Paul Whitehead. 2016. “The Evolution of Administrative Practices in American Unions: Results from a Twenty-Year Study.” Monthly Labor Review, April,
Clark, Paul F., Ariel C. Avgar, Julie A. Sadler, and Wonjoon Chung. 2016. "Labor-Management Partnership and Employee Voice: Evidence from the Healthcare Setting," Industrial Relations, Vol. 55, No. 4, October, pp. 576–603.
Clark, Paul F. 2013. “Health Care: Collective Bargaining’s Growing Role in a Time of Transition.” Chapter in Howard Stanger, Paul F. Clark, and Ann Frost (eds.). Collective Bargaining Under Duress: Case Studies of Major North American Industries. Ithaca, NY: Cornell ILR Press, pp. 119-164.
Clark, Paul F., Howard Stanger, and Ann Frost (eds.). 2013. Collective Bargaining Under Duress: Case Studies of Major North American Industries. Ithaca, NY: Cornell ILR Press, 2013.
Research Interests
Unions, union organizing, collective bargaining, labor-management partnerships, labor-management relations in healthcare and law enforcement, nurses' unions, labor history