Projects and Publications

Projects and Publications


CRANET Survey of HRM Policies and Practices

The Center for International Human Resource Studies (CIHRS) team is poised to reach out to HR managers in organizations across the United States to gather data for the 2020/21 round of the CRANET survey. CRANET is a global network of academic institutions carrying out a regular survey of the state of HRM in organizations across more than forty countries, tracking how HR has evolved over time since 1989.

The last round of survey results are available free-of-charge in a report that provides an overall picture of HRM in a wide range of organizations across the United States. Please contact us at  if you would like to receive a full copy of the report. You can also read more about the results in this news story.

CRANET Survey General Overview

Effective Work Design across Cultures

This study is being conducted by the Ambassadors of the HR Division of the Academy of Management, for which Elaine Farndale is the U.S. Ambassador. Work can be a joy or a chore – a source of meaning, purpose, and satisfaction, or a source of frustration, dissatisfaction, and alienation. Addressing the challenge of what constitutes ‘good work design’, we base this study on the validated Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ): a measure of twenty-one work characteristics. Furthermore, we explore cultural values to identify how these affect the relationship between elements of work design and employee outcomes of job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, turnover intentions, and burnout

For further details, please contact the research team. You can also visit the project webpage.

Employee Perceptions of HRM in Workplaces Worldwide

CIHRS is partnering with colleagues from across the globe to explore the influence of individuals’ cultural values on the effectiveness of HRM systems on stimulating desired individual attitudes and behaviors in the workplace, such as affective commitment and work engagement. These outcomes having previously been linked to important productivity and performance outcomes at the firm level. Gathering data as part of a multi-country study, the research is also uncovering how cultural values affect the HRM process in organizations.

Data are currently being collected and initial findings have been presented at Academy of Management meetings.


Farndale, E., Beamond, M., Corbett-Etchevers, I., & Xu, S. (2022). Accessing host country national talent in emerging economies:  A resource perspective review and future research agenda. Journal of World Business, 57(1). DOI:

Farndale, E., Agarwal, P., & Budhwar, P. (2022). Outcomes of talent identification in economically liberalized India:  Does organizational justice matter? Journal of Business Research, 144 (May), 740-750. DOI:

Knies, E., Borst, R., Leisink, P., & Farndale, E. (2022). The distinctiveness of public sector HRM: a four-wave trend analysis. Human Resource Management Journal. DOI:

Zhang, L., & Farndale, E. (2022). Workforce age profile effects on job resources and work outcomes. Personnel Review, 51(1), 194-209. DOI:

Yahiaoui, D., Nakhle, S., & Farndale, E. (2021). Culture and performance appraisal in multinational enterprises: Implementing French headquarters’ practices in MENA subsidiaries. Human Resource Management, 60(5), 771-785. DOI:

Farndale, E., & Vidovic, M. (2021). Is the HRM department becoming more strategic?  Exploring the latest global evidence. Comparative Human Resource Management. Oxford University Press.

Farndale, E., Thite, M., Budhwar, P., & Kwon, B. (2021). Deglobalization and talent sourcing: Cross-national evidence from high-tech firms. Human Resource Management, 60(2), 259272.

Farndale, E., Metto, Z., & Nakhle, S. (2020). Human resource management systems and work engagement:  Exploring the impact of employee paternalistic values. Management Revue, 31(4), 488-508.

Parry, E., Farndale, E., Brewster, C., & Morley, M. (2020). Balancing rigour and relevance: the case for methodological pragmatism in conducting large-scale, multi-country, comparative management studies. British Journal of Management.

Kwon, B. & Farndale, E. (2020). Employee voice viewed through a cross-cultural lens. Human Resource Management Review, 30(1).

Farndale, E., Panayotopoulou, L., & Nikandrou, I. (2020). Talent inflow across countries. In Galanaki, E., Nikandrou, I. and Panayotopoulou, L. (Eds.), Volume in honor of professor Nancy Papalexandris: An anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special issues in Management (pp. 40-57). Athens, Greece: Editions Benou.

Beamond, M.Farndale, E., & Hartel, C. (2020). Frames and actors: Translating talent management strategy to Latin America. Management and Organization Review, 16(2), 405-442.

Farndale, E., Lamare, J. R., Vidovic, M., & Chauhan, A. S. (2019). Understanding financial participation across market economies. International Studies of Management & Organization, 49(4), 402-421.

Farndale, E., Mayrhofer, W., & Brewster, C. (2019). Comparative HRM. In Wilkinson, A., Bacon, N., Snell, S., & Lepak, D. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Human Resource Management, 2e (pp. 99-109). Sage.

Farndale, E., Sparrow, P., Scullion, H., & Vidovic, M. (2019). Global talent management: New challenges for the corporate HR function. In D. G. Collings, H. Scullion, and P. Caligiuri (Eds.), Global Talent Management (2nd edition) (pp. 108-127). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Farndale, E.Horak, S.Phillips, J., & Beamond, M. (2019). Facing complexity, crisis and risk: Opportunities and challenges in international HRM. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 465-470.

Horak, S.Farndale, E., Brannen, M. Y., & Collings, D. (2019). International human resource management in an era of political nationalism. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 471-480.

Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., & Farndale, E. (Eds.) (2018). Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Boselie, P., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2018). Comparing performance management across contexts. In Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., & Farndale, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management (2nd Ed.) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mayrhofer, W., Brewster, C., & Farndale, E. (2018). Future avenues for comparative human resource management. In Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., & Farndale, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management (2nd Ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Farndale, E., Nickandrou, I., & Panayotopoulou, L. (2018). Recruitment and selection in context. In Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., & Farndale, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management (2nd Ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Farndale, E., Mayrhofer, W., & Brewster, C. (2018). The meaning and value of comparative human resource management: An introduction. In Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., & Farndale, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management (2nd Ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Farndale, E., Ligthart, P., Poutsma, E., & Brewster, C. J. (2017). The effects of market economy type and foreign MNE subsidiaries on the convergence and divergence of HRM. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(9), 1065–1086.

Farndale, E.Raghuram, S.Gully, S.Liu, H.Phillips, J., & Vidovic, M. (2017). A Vision of International Human Resource Management Research. International Journal of Human Resource Management28(12), 1625-1639.

Raghuram, S., Brewster, C., Chen, X.-P., Farndale, E.Gully, S., & Morley, M. J. (2017). On Theory, Technique and Text: Guidelines and Suggestions on Publishing International Human Resource Management Research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1640-1660.

Horak, S., Farndale, E., Brannen, M. Y., & Collings, D. (2017). International Human Resource Management in an Era of Political Nationalism. Thunderbird International Business Review. DOI #: 10.1002/tie.21959

Castro-Christiansen, L., Farndale, E., Biron, M., & Kuvaas, B. (Eds.) (2017). The Global Human Resource Management Casebook, 2nd edition. UK: Routledge.

Farndale, E. (2017). Global talent management. The Business & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London.

Farndale, E. (2017) Two-Country Study of Engagement, Supervisors and Performance Appraisal. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 11(3), 342-362.

Farndale, E., & Sanders, K. (2017). Conceptualizing HRM System Strength through a Cross-Cultural Lens. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1): 132-148.

Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (2017). Global recruiting. In H. Goldstein, E. Pulakos, J. Passmore, and C. Semedo (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection, and Retention. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Kwon, B.Farndale, E., & Park, J. G. (2016). Employee Voice and Work Engagement:  Macro, Meso and Micro-level Drivers of Convergence? Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), 327–337.

Vidović, M., & Farndale, E. (2016). HR departments in multinational corporations. International Human Resource Management: Practices, Trends and Future Directions (pp. 21-45). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Beamond, M.Farndale, E., & Hartel, C. (2016). MNE translation of corporate talent management strategies to subsidiaries in emerging economies. Journal of World Business51(4), 499–510.

Farndale, E. & Atli, D. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and talent management in Turkey. In B. Christiansen & M. Mustafa Erdogdu (Eds.), Comparative Economics and Regional Development in Turkey (pp. 1-15). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Books.

Farndale, E. & Murrer, I. (2015). Job Resources and Employee Engagement: A Cross-National Study. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(5), 610 – 626.

Farndale, E., Beijer, S., & Kelliher, C. (2015). Employee engagement in emerging markets. In Budhwar, P. & Horwitz, F.M. (Eds.), Handbook of Human Resource Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 271-292). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Stiles, P., Trevor, J., Farndale, E., Morris, S. S., Paauwe, J., Stahl, G. K., & Wright, P. M. (2015). Changing Routine: Reframing Performance Management within a Multinational. Journal of Management Studies, 52(1), 63-88.

Contact Us
Elaine Farndale
Director, School of Labor and Employment Relations
Professor, Human Resource Management
Center Director, Center for International Human Resource Studies
(814) 867-3320
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