

Mark Gough

Mark Gough

Associate Professor of Labor and Employment Relations
507B Keller Building
(814) 865-1030

Curriculum Vitae

Mark Gough


PhD: Cornell University, Industrial and Labor Relations
MS: Penn State University, Human Resources and Employment Relations

Research Interests

Employment law, employment arbitration, sexual harassment, alternative dispute resolution, labor relations

Professional Bio

Mark Gough is an associate professor of labor and employment relations at The Pennsylvania State University.  He holds a Ph.D. in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and an M.S. in Human Resources and Employment Relations from Penn State University. Dr. Gough's research focuses on workplace dispute resolution, employment law, and how legal actors affect access to justice in the workplace.  He has been published in top peer-reviewed and legal journals including Industrial and Labor Relations Review and Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law.