Zach Zobrist

Zach Zobrist
Adjunct Faculty Member
HPI Co-Coordinator

Professional Bio

Zach Zobrist, HPI Co-Coordinator, is an Adjunct Faculty Member of Penn State’s School of Labor and Employment Relations. He is also the Director of Workforce Development for SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania, a statewide healthcare workers union that represents over 40,000 healthcare workers. Zach brings significant experience to the Initiative, having served in numerous appointed and elected roles with his union over nearly seventeen years. During his time with SEIU Healthcare PA, he established several Labor-Management Partnerships to engage healthcare workers in their critical role as front-line staff in transforming and improving the healthcare delivery system and to engage union members. From 2019-2021, he was a faculty member at Penn State’s School of Labor Employment Relations. In his role as a labor educator for Penn State labor outreach programs, he worked to find ways to engage unions in thinking about partnership opportunities around workforce development and quality improvement. In August 2021, he was appointed to his current position with SEIU.


Zach Zorbist