Courses and Workshops

Courses and Workshops

Labor Activist Academy

Five non-credit courses designed to equip labor activists, stewards, and leaders to meet the challenges facing today’s labor movement; these are offered in certain geographic locations though partnerships with local labor councils.

Union Staff Development

Designed for newer union staff in any role, this training will provide participants with tools and a network to succeed in the vital, dynamic, and challenging work they do.

Leadership for a Renewed Labor Movement

A cohort model with three intensive retreats to increase capacity for leading change in our movement.

UALE Northeast Summer School

Summer School for Women in Unions and Worker Organizations is one of four residential programs sponsored by the United Association for Labor Education.

This program brings women leaders and activists from labor unions and worker organizations throughout the Northeast for this comprehensive, bi-lingual (Spanish and English) four-day leadership institute. Participate in skills building workshops, cultural activities, political action and education sessions designed to expand our understanding of solidarity and deepen our ability to resist oppression. Summer school instructors are officers, staff, and labor educators from unions, community organizations and universities.

Stay tuned for information on the 2025 Summer School.

Other Programs

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming programming.