September 27, 2022

Please join us in congratulating Professor Antone Aboud on a well-deserved retirement after a decade with the School of LER!

What was your role at Penn State? 

"Professor of Practice, Director of Online Programs, and Director of the Center for Workplace Performance (CWP)."

What excites you most about retirement? Plans/hobbies?

"I still do some part-time work for LER, however, when I wake up every morning I know I don’t have to show up at my desk to work. I can spend time with my stamp collection or even play golf. Now I have more time for my granddaughters. In fact, the day I retired they sent me an email asking if I would tutor them this summer in math. It’s been a great thrill to interact with them so much more than in the past."

When you reflect on your time at Penn State what comes to mind?

"The fact that I was given this opportunity when I was already receiving medicare. It was an unexpected thrill to return to University life when most people are contemplating retirement. I also realize how important the support I received from others was in helping me succeed. I certainly couldn’t have been as effective without my wife’s constant willingness to serve as my “Albany staff.” Also, Trisha Everhart, another member of the online team, was constantly finding ways to offer support whenever I needed help. It really does take a village!"

What was your experience like working entirely online through the World Campus? 

"When I was offered the job, I made clear I couldn’t move to from New York to State College. Regardless, I had previous experience interacting online with business clients for more than a decade. As a consequence, I was convinced that I could maintain a constant relationship with various Penn State stakeholders (including students) even 325 miles from campus. In fact, I probably worked harder at maintaining those relationships because I knew that the School, particularly Paul Clark who was Director at the time, had given me this amazing opportunity. I simply did not want to ever leave the impression I was taking advantage of that kindness."

"Working remotely didn't create any struggles for me. Several of the other online team members were also remote. For example, Rex Simpson lives in California. We quickly learned to be almost instantly attentive if someone raised an issue or needed assistance. I was particularly proud of the culture of service which the online team developed."

What impact do you think you made on students and your colleagues’ lives?

"Let me respond by sharing what impact I hope I made on them all. I do hope that they feel I was supportive, empathetic, and kind... I hope!"

Looking back on your entire career, what is one piece of advice you would give someone just starting out in the workforce?

"Don’t assume that what you want to do or be at 25 will be identical to what you might want at 40. It will often take time to discover what truly gives you a sense of purpose, what is comfortable with your own personality and lifestyle. When I was 16 I wanted to be President of the United States. In retrospect, I realize that I would have made a very bad President. In fact, eventually I thought I wanted to at least be President of a University. Again, I would have been a disaster."

What do you believe makes the School of LER unique? 

"It is one of the most democratic of all academic organizations with which I’ve been associated. The School’s culture always allowed anyone – staff, faculty, administrators – to actively participate in the School’s decision-making. I believe that culture has paid great dividends. For example, I have never seen staff members as committed to the School’s mission as they are here at LER. That doesn’t happen by accident."

What’s a fun fact about you that people wouldn’t know?

"My childhood nickname was Tony Baloney. I’m thinking its origin was my father’s grocery store where every day he sliced bologna."

Antone Family