Director Paul Clark Presents at Australian Universities

Director Paul Clark Presents at Australian Universities
March 27, 2020

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Director Paul Clark recently made two presentations at universities in Australia during his sabbatical travels.

On March 11, as part of the School of Management’s Research Series at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Professor Clark presented a talk on “The State of U.S. Labor-Management Relations in 2020.”  

Dr. Clark also was one of two speakers to present papers at a sSpecial seminar in honour of the late Dr. Sandra Cockfield sponsored by the Centre for Global Business, Monash Business School, Monash University on March 17.  Professor Clark’s talk was titled “Is Business Winning? President Trump’s Impact on Work and Employment Policy in the USA.”  The program is part of the on-going Penn State-Monash Strategic Partnership. Clark was a visiting faculty member at both universities during the spring 2020 semester while on sabbatical. He was also scheduled to give two invited talks to the Industrial Relations Society of Tasmania in early April, but those events were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

PHOTO: Presenters and Moderator, Special Seminar in Honour of the Late Dr. Sandra Cockfield, Monash University, March 17, 2020, Melbourne, Australia. From left: Paul Clark, Penn State; Peter Shelden, University of New South Wales; Greg Bamber, Moderator, Monash University. 

March 27, 2020  

Director Paul Clark Presents at Australian Universities