CIHRS Welcomes Professor Trevor Yu: Editor Session Luncheon and Guest Lecture (April 15, 2024)
Editor Session Luncheon and Guest Lecture
Penn State's Center for International Human Resource Studies (CIHRS) invites you to join Professor Trevor Yu on April 15 who is traveling to Happy Valley for a day full of knowledge-sharing and conversation.
Publishing in the HRM Journal Luncheon
- Noon–1:00 p.m. EST (453 Business Building)
This lunch session will give you the opportunity to hear about how to publish your research in Wiley’s Human Resource Management. Dr. Yu has been an Associate Editor with the journal for several years and will share his insights with you about getting published over a light lunch.
Word-of-Mouth on Social Media: An Investigation of Valence Effects on Prehire Outcomes
- 3–4:00 p.m. EST (502 Keller Building)
Word-of-Mouth (WOM) has become a primary source of employer information. Thus, there is an urgent need to better understand how organizations can best capitalize on such information to build employer brands and attract potential talent. To contribute to current knowledge in this area, I investigate how WOM content in terms of valence and image type influences the evaluation of potential employers. Findings from two experimental studies are discussed in terms of their implications for managing employer image and branding.
Virtual attendance:
About Professor Yu
Trevor Yu is an Associate Professor in the Division of Leadership, Management & Organisation at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), specialising in Organisational Behaviour.
Professor Yu’s areas of research include creating valuable organisational cultures through building employer brand equity, strategic recruitment, and understanding the impact of AI-based technology at the workplace. His work specifically focuses on the psychological and behavioural experiences of job seekers, recruiters, organisational newcomers, and supervisors. His research has been published in top-tier academic journals like the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, Human Resource Management, and Applied Psychology: An International Review. He has also co-edited the Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. He currently serves as an associate editor at Human Resource Management, and he is also on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Resource Management Review, Group and Organization Management. In addition to his academic publications, he is also a frequent contributor to news outlets like the Straits Times, Business Times, ChannelNews Asia, and South China Morning Post.
He teaches courses involving the management of human capital including talent management, change management, strategic human resource management, consulting research methodology, total rewards, and organisational behaviour and design. He has consulted with several US and Singapore-based organisations on issues of employer branding, organisational image and culture, workplace learning, career management, work-place climate, and work-team effectiveness.